28:23 When he entered upon the water of Midian. He entered the water of Midian with his outwardness, and he entered the…
July 2022
This is the name of Him whose existence is the Beginningless and whose fixity is the Endless. No moment precedes Him and…
104:3 He reckons that his wealth will make him last forever. They fancy that they will be in this world forever and…
7:80 And Lot, when he said to his people, “What, do you bring an indecency with which none in the worlds has…
14:2 God is He to whom belongs everything in the heavens and everything in the earth. Wāsiṭī said, “The realm of being…
21:69 We said, “O fire, be coolness and safety!” For the companions of recognitions and the lords of realities, there is another…
Know that the world’s elements are four: wind, fire, water, and dust. When these four elements found existence at the beginning of creation,…
30:30 So set thy face to the religion, unswerving. Purify your intention for God, guard your covenant with God, act solely for…
28:1 Ṭāʾ Sīn Mīm Wherever talk of Him goes, the session becomes fragrant. Wherever there is listening to His name and mark,…
The signs which ‘Abbas had been the first to see had soon become apparent to others, and before the advent of death,…