7:57 He it is who loses the winds as good news before the hands of His mercy so that, when they lift up a heavy cloud, We drive it to a dead land and thereby send down water, bringing forth thereby all the fruits.
When the hearts inhale the breeze of proximity, they are enraptured in the dominion of majesty and effaced of everything delineated and customary. When the breeze of the Beginningless wafts from the side of proximity and the wind of generosity blows from solitariness, servanthood turns into freedom and all suffering turns into happiness. The fearful one reaches the shore of security in the ship of fear, the hopeful one reaches the shore of bestowal in the ship of want, the disobedient one reaches the shore of repentance in the ship of regret, and the tawḥīd-voicer reaches the shore of solitariness in the ship of tawḥīdWe drive it to a dead land and thereby send down water, bringing forth thereby all the fruits. From heaven, the rain comes, and thereby the dead earth comes to life. Plants, flowers, and blossoms appear. From the storehouse of power, the rain of mercy comes, and thereby withered hearts come to life. In one the seed of regret was planted, the water of success was given, and he became a renunciant. In another the seed of solicitude was planted, the water of kind favor was given, and he became a repenter. In another the seed of awe was planted, the water of reverence was given, and he became a recognizer.
“O King, the water of Your solicitude reached a stone, and the stone became pregnant. Fruit grew from the stone, and the fruit gained flavor and became food. O King, Your remembrance brought the heart to life and threw down the seed of love. It made the tree of happiness grow and the tree gave the fruit of freedom. When the earth is soft, the soil sweet, and the clay receptive, the seed will grow only as a goodly tree [14:24] and will produce nothing but the jasmine of the Covenant.”
7:58 As for the goodly land, its plants come forth by the leave of its Lord. As for that which is vile, they come forth only scantily.
One of them said, “Its goodliness is through the continuity of security, the justice of the sultan, and the obedience of the obedient.” Abū ʿUthmān said, “This is the heart of the faithful person, upon whose limbs the lights of obedient acts become manifest. ‘As for that which is vile, they come forth only scantily.’ This is the heart of the unbeliever, upon whose limbs only acts of opposition become manifest.”