- Your own rewritten are remembered here.
- Compare each new experience with similar past experiences.
- Find a way to link new information to what you already know.
- Try to gather and compare information from several new sources.
- Ask yourself if you can see things from other people’s points of view.
- Look for the big picture. What is the most important main idea?
- Search for new insights from new and past experiences.
- Find the most important things about each new experience.
- Think about what others have learned from important experiences.
- Be willing to re-think and change your mind concerning an experience.
- Think about ways you can enlarge your view of the world.
- Ask others about new ways to remember what you have to learn.
- Learn how to remember larger amounts of information.
- Try to remember and describe the details of a specific event.
- Think about a way you can reorganize large amounts of information.
- Select visual images in nature and daily life to create new art forms.
- Select sounds in nature and daily life to create new art forms.
Teachers who are excellent at teaching their course content often take time during their course, or a class, to talk with students about ways to improve the quality of their lives inside and outside of school. When teachers initiate, students generally listen closely to these shared moments.