The army of Quraysh made its way back to Mecca in small groups, preceded or followed by single individuals. One of the…
The signs which ‘Abbas had been the first to see had soon become apparent to others, and before the advent of death,…
The time was now at hand for Abu Sufyan to return with all the wares that he and his fellows had acquired…
In the year which followed the Year of Sadness, the Pilgrimage fell at the beginning of June; and on the Feast of the Sacrifices,…
Despite the treaty, some of the men of Bakr were still determined to prolong their feud with Khuza’ah; and not long after…
The apparent apostasies of Hisham and ‘Ayyash were but small triumphs for Quraysh, heavily outweighed by the steady stream of emigrants which…
Another returned emigrant who required help against his own people was ‘Umar’s brother-in-law, ‘Uthman ibn Maz’un of Jumah, for he knew well…
A’ishah and Umm Salamah had accompanied the Prophet on this expedition; and at a sunset halt, two or three days after the…
When the army reached ji’ranah the captives were in a large enclosure, sheltering from the sun, about six thousand women and children.…
The captives arrived in Medina with their guards a day after the arrival of the Prophet. Sawdah, who had gone once more…